H. M. A. Abdelrazek

Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

[ 1 ] - Effect of soy isoflavones on implantation losses in Wistar rat: implication of progesterone receptors, vascular endothelial growth factor and estradiol receptors alpha

Background: Implantation is a crucial period determining the success of a full pregnancy. Endocrine disruptors such as phytoestrogens (PEs) were thought to adversely influence embryonic implantations. However, the mechanism by which they upset implantation was not fully elucidated. Aims: The effect of administering soy isoflavones on the implantation of Wistar ...

[ 2 ] - Effect of oregano essential oil supplementation on performance, biochemical, hematological parameters and intestinal histomorphometry of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica)

This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of two levels of dietary oregano essential oil (OEO) on growth performances, biochemical, hematological parameters, and intestinal histomorphology in Japanese quail. A total number of 99 quail chicks were divided into three groups (33 quails per group): Control, OEO 150 mg kg-1, and OEO 300 mg kg-1 treated groups for 42 day...