Ahmadzadeh , Maryam

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Optimization of HER2-based and cell-based ELISA for detection of trastuzumab biosimilar

Introduction: ELISA is a sensitive, specific, reproducible and fast method to quantify the biological activity of antibodies. Trastuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against HER2 receptors which prevents the initiation of downstream signaling pathway. Trastuzumab can be used as a positive control in the ELISA experiments for anti-HER2 antibodies. Additionaly, insufficient washing and blo...

[ 2 ] - Enhanced Solubility of Anti-HER2 scFv Using Bacterial Pelb Leader Sequence

Single chain Fragment variable (scFv) is an antibody fragment consisting variable regions of heavy and light chains. scFvs enhance their penetrability into tissues while maintaining specific affinity and having low immunogenicity. Insoluble inclusion bodies are formed when scFvs are expressed in reducing bacterial cytoplasm. One strategy for obtaining functionally active scFv is to translocate ...