Ardalani, Hossein

[ 1 ] - Phenomenology of Body and Place Drawing on Merleau-Ponty Case Study: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Merleau-Ponty, the prominent phenomenologist of the 20th century has noted the phenomenology of perception. He argued that perception is a corporal (physical) phenomenon. In other words, it is the body which percieves not the mind. The preset study is an attempt based on Merleau-Ponty’s understanding of perception and corporeal sensibility to highlight the importance of human situatedness expre...

[ 2 ] - Aesthetics with a Focus on the Concept of Ethics from the Perspective of Yuriko Saito

The paper examines the ethical dimension of Yuriko Saito’s aesthetics. Her recent work explicitly points to the inseparability of aesthetics from the rest of life, especially moral concerns. She believes that aesthetics requires overcoming the subject-object gap and adopting an open-minded attitude, responsiveness, interaction, and cooperation. These requirements not only define the nature of t...