Afsaneh Maarefat

[ 1 ] - Malva Sylvestris in the treatment of hand eczema

Background: Hand eczema is one of the most common dermatologic diseases requiring treatment but common therapeutics such as corticosteroids and anti-histamines have numerous side effects. So, use of herbal agents, which generally have no major side effects, may be useful especially if their efficacy is established. Malva Sylvestris (MS) is a tropical plant in Iran with cooling characteristics. ...

[ 2 ] - CASE: Erosive Nodule on the Vulval Skin

A 64-year-old Iranian woman presented with a genital erosive skin lesion that she had noticed from two years ago. On physical examination, a 20 to 25 millimeter purplish lesion was observed on the vulval skin (Figure 1). The indurated lesion showed a small central erosion measuring 3 to 5 mm. Inguinal lymph nodules were not palpable. A skin biopsy specimen was obtained from the eroded les...

[ 3 ] - CASE: Multiple painful nodules on the back

A 43-year-old middle-eastern woman was visited with a 15-year history of multiple painful cutaneous nodules on her back. The first lesion appeared on her back when she was 28 years old. As she aged, the lesions became larger, more numerous, and more painful with cold or physical contact. Her medical history was not significant. The patient’s medications included naproxen, calcium-D, and vitamin...
