Hadi Anjomshoaa

Faculty Member of Farhangian University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

[ 1 ] - The Relationship between Metacognition Skills with Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement among High School Students in Kerman, Iran

Background Learning is the most important human attribute. Cognition plays an important role in it and metacognition is another form of cognition that monitors cognitive processes and plays an important role in motivating one to learn. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between metacognition skills with academic motivation and academic achievement...

[ 2 ] - Comparing the Effectiveness of Training Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Neuro-linguistic Programming Strategies on Enhancing Resilience of High School Students in Kerman, Iran

Background The aim of the present research was to compare the effectiveness of training cognitive behavioral therapy and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) strategies on mitigating anxiety, depression, and stress of students. Materials and Methods: The method of this semi-experimental research was pretest posttest with control grou...
