Hosseini, Seyyed Abbas

Islamic Azad University of Chalous

[ 1 ] - Sociological Study of Power Distribution Pattern in Family and Social Class of Women: a Case Study of Married Women in Tehran

Extended Abstract Introduction: Anthony Giddens in relation to negotiated authority in the family believes that “the development of this kind of democracy has important implications for the promotion of universal democracy.« The family has a high place in social life. Because on the one hand it is the first group we come out of and get to know the world within, and on the other hand, it has th...

[ 2 ] - Sociological Study of Power Distribution Pattern in Family and Social Class of Women: a Case Study of Married Women in Tehran

Extended Abstract Introduction: Anthony Giddens in relation to negotiated authority in the family believes that “the development of this kind of democracy has important implications for the promotion of universal democracy.« The family has a high place in social life. Because on the one hand it is the first group we come out of and get to know the world within, and on the other hand, it has th...