Abbaspour Anbi, Asad

National Artemia Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Urmia, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Improvemet of ornamental fish color with live algae feeding

In the nature, ornamental fish have a variety of beautiful colors that becomes pale or dull colored in conditions of intensive culture in breeding halls. Feeding these fish with algae can improve their color. For this purpose, rainbow trout larval stage feed was used as the base feed. The treated foods obtained from the powdering of the basic food were impregnated with different percentages of ...

[ 2 ] - The comparison of growth, survival rate and behavior of Oscar fish (Astronauts ocellatus) fries fed by Artemia urmiana, earthworm and beef heart supplemented diets

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different fresh feed supplemented to commercial diet on growth and survival of Oscar fish (Astronauts ocellatus) (initial weight: 1.58-1.70 g) during 60-day period. The husbandry environment consisted of glass aquariums appropriate to growth with a photoperiod cycle of 12 L: 12 D. The water temperature was kept at 28 ±1°C. 360 fries of Oscar (i...
