M Jadidi

Department of Medical Physics, Semnan University of Medical Sciences,Semnan, Iran

[ 1 ] - The Influence of Brass Compensator Thickness and Field Size on Neutron Contamination Spectrum in 18MV Elekta SL 75/25 Medical Linear Accelerator with and without Flattening Filter: A Monte Carlo Study

BackgroundOne of the most significant Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy treatment benefits is a high target to normal tissue dose ratio. To improve this advantage, an additional accessory such as a compensator is used to delivering doses. Compensator-based IMRT treatment is usually operated with an energy higher than 10 MV. Photoneutrons, which have high linear energy transfer and radiobiol...


A S Talebi 1  

M Maleki 1  

P Hejazi 1  

R Ghorbani 1