Afsaneh Moradi

Department of Psychology, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran

[ 1 ] - Women and Methamphetamine in Iran: A Report from the Most Populous Persian Gulf Country

Objectives:  Methamphetamine (MA) use disorder is a new health problem among Iranian female methadone patients that need special treatment and rehabilitation services. However, there are few studies describing their baseline characteristics, their reasons for MA use while in treatment and their treatment needs and success. The study aimed to investigate these research gaps. Methods: Participan...

[ 2 ] - Characteristics of an Online HIV Education Program for Iranian Female Methadone Patients: The First Study

Objectives:  Female methadone patients need specific education on HIV. However, few studies have been conducted on the essential characteristics of designing an online HIV education program for this population. Therefore, the current qualitative study aimed at addressing this research gap. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 34 female patients and 19 methadone treatment pro...
