Nowbari, Alireza

Islamic M’arif University

[ 1 ] - Pathology of Quranic scientific comment regarding the commentary partowi az Quran

More than 700 verses of the holey Quran refer to such scientific fields as ontology, physics and biology. Muslim commentators, therefore, have attended to scientific comment of Quran to prove scientific statements in it. Increasing development of experimental sciences and technology during last century caused commentators pay much attention to scientific comment of Quran. Partowi az Quran, a Qu...

[ 2 ] - A Quranic study on the creation of human with an emphasis on some verses of At-Tariq

In different verses of holey Quran, natural aspect of human creation has been described by such words as clay, dust, water, despised fluid, gushing fluid,   drop of seed and clot. Some relying on the variety of the words have claimed a disagreement between science and Quran. This paper has intended to answer the claim with studying exegetical views under the related verses with an emphasis on t...
