damankeshideh, marjan
[ 1 ] - The Long Run Impact of Technology Diffusion on Average Cost in Upstream Oil Industry; Case Stud of Iran
Literature review related to nonrenewable resources shows that technological improvements have considerable effects on resource depletion and decreasing operational cost. Therefore it is assumed that technology is the most important and influential variables in the production function and utilization cost of these resources. In this study, we assess the long term effect of technology diffusion...
[ 2 ] - The Long-Run Relationship between External Government Debt and Economic Growth in Developing Countries with Upper Middle Income Level (Panel Co-integration Approach)
The relationship between external debt and economic growth is one of the important issues in macroeconomics literature and has been considered in empirical studies. So, in this paper the long-run relationship among external government debt and economic growth in 58 selected developing countries for 1985-2018 by applying a pool mean group method which is suggested by Pesaran & Smith. The main em...
[ 3 ] - Estimation of Bankruptcy Immunity in Government and Private Banks of Iran (Duration Models Approach)
In the wake of recent financial crisis, large banks have been considered as important factors in financial markets in the world, since these bankschr(chr(chr(chr('39')39chr('39'))39chr(chr('39')39chr('39')))39chr(chr(chr('39')39chr('39'))39chr(chr('39')39chr('39')))) failure could affect the whole economy by extending systemic risk. With regard to this issue, when large banks face insolvency or...