Sedigheh Barootkoob
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Bojnord, P.O. Box 1339, Bojnord, Iran.
[ 1 ] - Topological Centers and Factorization of Certain Module Actions
Let $A$ be a Banach algebra and $X$ be a Banach $A$-bimodule with the left and right module actions $pi_ell: Atimes Xrightarrow X$ and $pi_r: Xtimes Arightarrow X$, respectively. In this paper, we study the topological centers of the left module action $pi_{ell_n}: Atimes X^{(n)}rightarrow X^{(n)}$ and the right module action $pi_{r_n}:X^{(n)}times Arightarrow X^{(n)}$, which inherit from th...
[ 2 ] - $n$-factorization Property of Bilinear Mappings
In this paper, we define a new concept of factorization for a bounded bilinear mapping $f:Xtimes Yto Z$, depended on a natural number $n$ and a cardinal number $kappa$; which is called $n$-factorization property of level $kappa$. Then we study the relation between $n$-factorization property of level $kappa$ for $X^*$ with respect to $f$ and automatically boundedness and $w^*$-$w^*$-continuity...