Susan Nami

Faculty of Physic, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Some Properties of Continuous $K$-frames in Hilbert Spaces

The theory of  continuous frames in Hilbert spaces is extended, by using the concepts of measure spaces, in order to get the results of a new application of operator theory.  The $K$-frames were  introduced by G$breve{mbox{a}}$vruta (2012) for Hilbert spaces to study atomic systems with respect to a bounded linear operator. Due to the structure of  $K$-frames, there are many differences between...

[ 2 ] - Continuous $k$-Fusion Frames in Hilbert Spaces

The study of the c$k$-fusions frames shows that the emphasis on the measure spaces introduces a new idea, although some similar properties with the discrete case are raised. Moreover, due to the nature of measure spaces, we have to use new techniques for new results. Especially, the topic of the dual of frames  which is important for frame applications, have been specified  completely for the c...

[ 3 ] - Continuous $ k $-Frames and their Dual in Hilbert Spaces

The notion of $k$-frames was recently introduced by Gu avruc ta in Hilbert  spaces to study atomic systems with respect to a bounded linear operator. A continuous frame is a family of vectors in a Hilbert space which allows reproductions of arbitrary elements by continuous super positions. In this manuscript, we construct a continuous $k$-frame, so called c$k$-frame along with an atomic system ...