Ebrahim Heidari
Department of Sciences, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
[ 1 ] - Ultra- Relativistic Solitons with Opposing Behaviors in Photon Gas Plasma
We have studied the formation of relativistic solitary waves due to nonlinearinteraction of strong electromagnetic wave with the plasma wave. Here, our plasma isrelativistic both in temperature and in streaming speed. A set of equations consisting ofscalar and vector potentials together with a third order equation for the enthalpy inphoton gas plasma is obtained analytic...
[ 2 ] - Inverse Braking Radiation and Resonance Absorption in Corona Plasmas of Inertial Confinement Fusion
Abstract: In this paper, combining the Maxwell equations with the electron balanceequation, we obtain the inverse braking radiation absorption coefficient in a laser fusioncorona plasma. For a fixed plasma temperature, variations of the absorption coefficientversus the penetration depth into the plasma are illustrated numerically for differentvalues of laser wavelength. ...