M. Mirzaie

Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Delineation of podiform-type chromite mineralization using geochemical mineralization prospectivity index and staged factor analysis in Balvard area (SE Iran)

The aim of this work was to delineate the prospects of podiform-type chromite by staged factor analysis and geochemical mineralization prospectivity index in Balvard area, SE Iran. The stream sediment data and fault density were used as the exploration features for prospectivity modeling in the studied area. In this regard, two continuous fuzzified evidence layers were generated and integrated ...

[ 2 ] - Detection of Zones Based on Ore and Gangue Using Fractal and Multivariate Analysis in Chah Gaz Iron Ore Deposit, Central Iran

Detection of mineralized zones based on ores and gangues is important for mine planning and excavation operation. The major goal of this research work was to determine the zones based on ores and gangues by a combination of fractal and factor analysis in the Chah Gaz iron ore (Central Iran). The Concentration-Volume (C-V) fractal method was carried out for Fe, P and S, which indicated that the ...