Vajiheh Mianbandi

Dentist, Student Research Committee, Mashhad Dental School, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

[ 1 ] - Infantile Mandibular Fracture Treatment with Double-crossed Skeletal and Circummandibular Wires: A Case Report

Abstract The prevalence of mandibular fracture is relatively lower in the pediatric population compared to adults. The treatment of these fractures is more challenging for oral and maxillofacial surgeons due to the concerns regarding mandible growth and the presence of developing tooth buds. According to the literature, conventional methods (e.g., soft diets or closed red...

[ 2 ] - A Two-step Method for the Preparation of Implant Recipient Site in Severe Atrophic Maxilla: A Case Report of the Alveolar Ridge Split Technique Followed by Bone Expansion

Augmentation of deficient and atrophic alveolar ridges is an important aspect of dental implant therapy with the goal of providing a functional restoration in harmony with adjacent natural dentition. Bone splitting technique is considered a distinguished augmentation method for treatment of deficient alveolar ridges. According to this procedure, the compromised alveolar ridge is opened from the...

[ 3 ] - A Rare Case of Maxillary Compound Odontoma with an Unusual Large Number of Denticles

Odontoma is the most frequent odontogenic gnathic tumor, which is considered to be a hamartomatous lesion rather than an actual odontogenic tumor. Odontoma is basically composed of enamel and dentin, while it could also have various contents of cementum and pulp tissue. These lesions may manifest in two specific forms, including the compound type with multiple, small, tooth-like structures and ...