P. Titus

Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics University College of Engineering Nagercoil Anna University, Tirunelveli Region Tamil Nadu, India.

[ 1 ] - Detour Monophonic Graphoidal Covering Number of Corona Product Graph of Some Standard Graphs with the Wheel

A chord of a path $P$ is an edge joining two non-adjacent vertices of $P$. A path  $P$ is called a monophonic path if it is a chordless path. A longest $x-y$ monophonic path is called an $x-y$ detour monophonic path. A  detour monophonic graphoidal cover of a graph $G$ is a collection $psi_{dm}$ of detour monophonic paths in $G$ such that every vertex of $G$ is an internal vertex  of at most on...


S. Kumari 1