Quality Improvement in Clinical Education Research Center, Education Development Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

[ 1 ] - Impact of clinical supervision on field training of nursing students at Urmia University of Medical Sciences

Introduction: Obtaining clinical competency in clinical educationis one of the problems in nursing and use of the new methods ofclinical training is very important. Clinical supervision is one ofthe methods used as a mechanism to promote knowledge and skillfor promoting professional performance in nursing students. Thisstudy is carried out to determine the impact of clinical supervisionon field...

[ 2 ] - Research priorities in medical education at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences: categories and subcategories in the Iranian context

Introduction: Research in education is a globally significant issuewithout a long history. Due to the importance of the issue in HealthSystem Development programs, this study intended to determineresearch priorities in medical education, considering their detailsand functions. By determining barriers existing in research ineducation progress, it is tried to make research priorities morefunction...

[ 3 ] - A brief description of Medical Education Master Program in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

As Medical sciences become more advanced andgrow each day, so do the challenges of medicaleducation. To overcome the new obstacles whichare an inseparable part of science evolution, it isnecessary to renew and improve the educationalsystem .Achieving this, requires individuals whoare educated in the new methods of learning andtherefore can lead others through educationalsystem development. Duri...

[ 4 ] - Assessment of the interns’ ability based on Dundee model in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Introduction: The importance of medical profession and therole of the physician in society is no secret to anyone. Skills andcompetencies in clinical practice are necessary for the medicalprofession. In fact, in patient care, doctors require practical skillsin addition to scientific knowledge. This study examines thepotentials of medical school students in three areas of doing theright thing, d...