Saliha Çetinyokuş

Chemical and Chemical Processing Technologies Technical Sciences Vocational School, Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY

[ 1 ] - Consequences Modeling of the Akçagaz Accident through Land Use Planning (LUP) Approach

In the study, consequences analysis of Akçagaz LPG Facilities accident was conducted.  The consequences analysis, modeling studies were performed by the use of EFFECTS 10.0 Software over two liquefied gas LOC (Loss of Containment) scenarios. One of the scenarios was G1: Instantaneous release corresponding to BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion) and the other was G2: Release in 1...

[ 2 ] - Group Decision Making for Hazard Analysis and Consequence Modelling Software Selection with AHP

Software evaluation and selection have begun to be addressed as a topic title along with the fact that microcomputers and then personal computers have become widespread and have been used in the operations of businesses. In this study, it was focused on the selection of software for identifying the physical effect distances of the explosion, fire, and toxic emission, which is an impo...