Saeedi, R
Department of Health and Safety, and Environment, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - A review of studies on burden of disease attributable to environmental risk factors in Iran: achievements, limitations and future plans
Background and Objective: Environmental burden of disease (EBD) studies are one of the most important needs for determining the current situation, increasing the effectiveness of health policies and programs and prioritizing environmental health interventions. This review article was evaluated the status of the EBD in Iran based on the results of the latest Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study,...
[ 2 ] - Assessment of environmental health status of Iran according to the environmental performance index report in 2018
Background and Objective: In this study, we aimed to assess Iran’s position and trends for environmental health status among the countries of “Iran’s perspective document in 1404” according to the indicators used in Environmental Performance Index (EPI) report in 2018. Materials and Methods: The score of indicators in environmental health area; air quality (including household solid fuels, exp...