Mollai Iveli, Mohammad

2- Ph.D. Student of Islamic Philosophy, Department of Theology, Faculty of Law, Theology, and Islamic Sciences, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

[ 1 ] - A Review of the Role of Spiritual Cares in the Nursing Profession

From a nursing perspective, the human being is a multidimensional entity whose spiritual dimension is central to all aspects and has a significant impact on health. Spirituality and spiritual care are an integral part of holistic care in nursing. Therefore, these factors can play an important role in patient recovery and achieving health objectives when taken into consideration. The present st...

[ 2 ] - بهره مندی در فلسفۀ توماس آکوئیناس

یکی از مفاهیم کلیدی که در متافیزیک توماس نقش اساسی دارد، مفهوم بهره­مندی است، که بر اساس آن، بین خالق و مخلوق ارتباط برقرار می­کند. بهره­مندی پیشینه­ای در فلسفه افلاطون و بوئثیوس دارد و در عبارات توماس عبارت است از چیزی که به نحوی جزئی، آنچه را که به دیگری به نحو کامل تعلق دارد، دریافت می­کند. از آنجا که متافیزیک وی براساس توجه خاص به «وجود» بنا شده است و وجود نیز هم به خالق و هم به مخلوق نسبت ...

[ 3 ] - Evaluation of verbal evidence on the prohibition of Human Cloning

Human cloning or human reproduction through nonsexual transplantation is an interdisciplinary issue that has been discussed by researchers from different dimensions, including theological dimension and perspective of science, religion, and health. Since some scientific discoveries, such as human simulation, are related to human beliefs, several religious scholars have shown special sensitivity ...