Salehi, Ali-Reza

[ 1 ] - The Status of Quranic and Platonic Tazzakor in “Mathnawi”

The word tazakkor (reminding) is one of key words in the holy Quran and has a long history in philosophical, ethical and Islamic mystic fundamentals. There are significant differences between the concept of tazakkor in philosophy, particularly what is derived from the theory of tazakkor or Platonic archetypes, and what is understood from the truth of tazzakor in the context of Quranic culture. ...

[ 2 ] - Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of English Language, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran

Although the word “love” appears less frequently in the Qur‟an than in the Bible, Love is a cornerstone of both Islam and Christianity. As the Bible and the Qur‟an agree on many things, why then do Muslims and Christians perceive each other so differently and so often misunderstand each other? Such a question, of course, deserves an in-depth, multi-faceted answer; however, we...
