M. SadrAmeli
, Tarbiat Modarres University
[ 1 ] - Advance Modelling and Simulation of Industrial Boilers
This paper presents some of the results of the simulation in the radiation section of an industrial boiler using an advanced mathematical model. Calculations are described for the flow, heat transfer, and chemical reaction processes occurring within a gas-fired cylindrical furnace. The calculation procedure is a two dimensional one in which the main hydrodynamic variables are the velocity and s...
[ 2 ] - Heat Transfer Calculation in the Firebox of the Ethylene Plant Furnaces (RESEARCH NOTE).
The thermal cracking of hydrocarbons for olefin production is carried out in long tubular reactors inserted in a furnace, in this process the heat flux along the reactor wall determines the feedstock conversion, the olefin selectivity's and rate of coke deposition. A detailed firebox simulation model is therefore a powerful tool in the design and operation of pyrolysis furnaces and reactors to ...