A. Cheldavi
Electerical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology
[ 1 ] - Comparison of Exact Analysis and Steplines Approximation for Externally Excited Exponential Transmission Line
In the present paper, the problem of externally excited exponential transmission line hasbeen solved analytically in frequency domain using a simple approach. Then steplines approximationas a first order approximation for the problem of externally excited nonuniform transmission lines ingeneral and exponentially tapered transmission line (ETL) as a special case has been presented.Finally the tw...
[ 2 ] - Spice Compatible Model for Multiple Coupled Nonuniform Transmission Lines Application in Transient Analysis of VLSI Circuits
An SPICE compatible model for multiple coupled nonuniform lossless transmission lines (TL's) is presented. The method of the modeling is based on the steplines approximation of the nonuniform TLs and quasi-TEM assumptions. Using steplines approximation the system of coupled nonuniform TLs is subdivided into arbitrary large number of coupled uniform lines (steplines) with different characteristi...
[ 3 ] - Capacitive Flux Compression Generator (RESEARCH NOTE)
Conventional Flux Compression Generators (FCG's) are used to generate high power DC pulses. A new kind of (FCG's) with series capacitance called Capacitive Flux Compression Generator (CFCG) will be introduced and explained in this paper. This new kind is used to generate modulated high power pulses. There are some problems to establish a capacitance in high power and high frequency applications...