Anjali Pant
Mathematics, GPCN
[ 1 ] - Elastico-Viscous Flow between Two Rotating Discs of Different Transpiration for High Reynolds Numbers (RESEARCH NOTE)
The flow in an elastico-viscous fluid between two co-axial infinite rotating porous discs is considered for high cross flow Reynolds number. The discs are rotating with different angular velocity and the injection rate of the fluid at one disc is different from the suction rate of other disc. The effect of suction parameters on the velocity components have been investigated numerically and solv...
[ 2 ] - A Computational Approach to the Flow of Walter’s Liquid B′ through Annulus of Coaxial Porous Circular Cylinders for High Suction Parameter (RESEARCH NOTE)
The present investigation studies the behavior of steady flow of visco-elastic liquid between two porous coaxial circular cylinders, where both the cylinders are rotating with different uniform angular velocities about the common axis. In addition, the inner cylinder has uniform velocity along the axis and the visco-elastic fluid, which is a Walters liquid B′, is allowed to flow in the annulus....