M. Vaziri

Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology

[ 1 ] - A Comparative Appraisal of Roadway Accident for Asia-Pacific Countries

This paper describes an attempt to shed some light on road safety in Asia Pacific region by characterizing and assessing its road accidents. The relevant national road accident data were extracted from centralized data sources of international agencies. Due to data incompleteness and missing values, 21 Asia Pacific countries, presenting more than half of the world’s population, were selected fo...

[ 2 ] - Benchmarking Sustainability with Respect to Transportation Supply and Demand

This paper is an endeavor to quantify the concept of sustainable transportation. The prevailing idea in the context of sustainable development (SD) emphasizes on the reduction of transportation demand in order to reduce the environmental and social consequences of it. Nevertheless, in the current paper using a measure for SD, and based on the conformity of the growths of all sectors with transp...

[ 3 ] - Traffic Flow Characteristics of Isolated Off-ramps in Iranian Expressways

The purpose of this study was to investigate traffic flow characteristics at off-ramp junctions in Iranian expressways. The study was conducted on the traffic behavior in isolated off-ramp vicinity of 6-lane expressways. The database consisted of traffic flow and traffic speed information extracted from videotapes. The relationship between diverging traffic flow in the right lane of expressway ...

[ 4 ] - Taxonomy of Global Air Transport

Data from the United Nations and the International Civil Aviation Organization Information Systems were used as a base for characterizing, classifying and comparing air transport demand and supply features of 156 countries. Relevant data from 1980 were chosen to reflect five sets of characteristics namely, air transport, 50cm-economic status, population demography, geographical and environmenta...
