A. Goel

Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukhshetra


Establishment of rating curves are often required by the hydrologists for flow estimates in the streams, rivers etc. Measurement of discharge in a river is a time-consuming, expensive, and difficult process and the conventional approach of regression analysis of stage-discharge relation does not provide encouraging results especially during the floods. P

[ 2 ] - ANN Based Modeling for Prediction of Evaporation in Reservoirs (RESEARCH NOTE)

This paper is an attempt to assess the potential and usefulness of ANN based modeling for evaporation prediction from a reservoir, where in classical and empirical equations failed to predict the evaporation accurately. The meteorological data set of daily pan evaporation, temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed is used in this study. The performance of feed forward back pro...

[ 3 ] - Twin Plate Weir: A Flow Measuring Device (TECHNICAL NOTE)

For efficient use of water, accurate measurement of flow in (field/laboratory) channels is required for many water resource projects. The present work is aimed to study the flow characteristics of a twin plate weir (two sharp-crested plates are placed one behind the other at some distance) under free and submerged flow conditions. Experiments are performed with four spacing of the twin plate we...

[ 4 ] - New Stilling Basins Designs for Deep Rectangular Outlets

The experimental study reported here is intended to evolve new designs of stilling basins for deep and narrow openings used as outlets. Several appurtenances such as grid, Impact wall, stepped wall, weir wall, sloping end sill and wedge shaped blocks are used to study their influence on the hydraulic performance of the stilling basins with an aim to propose efficient stilling basin models. All ...
