F. Kianfar
Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
[ 1 ] - The optimal energy carriers substitutes in thermal power plants:A fuzzy linear programming model
In this paper, a dynamic optimization approach for optimal choice of energy carriers in thermal power plants is proposed that analyzes the substitution of energy carriers in short-term planning of a power plant.The model is based on the linear programming method with the objective of minimizing costs under constraints of resource availability, energy balances, environmental regulations and elec...
[ 2 ] - Simultaneous Due Date Assignment and Lot Sizing with Uncertain Flow Times
Due date assignment for customer orders has been studied in various productionenvironments using different modeling approaches. In this paper the researchers consider aproduction system in which the orders of several customers are produced in a single batch because ofthe economy of scale. If a batch is completed before receiving customer orders, inventory carryingcost is incurred but if it is c...
[ 3 ] - Dynamic Multi Period Production Planning Problem with Semi Markovian Variable Cost (TECHNICAL NOTE)
This paper develops a method for solving the single product multi-period production-planning problem, in which the production and the inventory costs of each period arc concave and backlogging is not permitted. It is also assumed that the unit variable cost of the production evolves according to a continuous time Markov process. We prove that this production-planning problem can be Stated as a ...
[ 4 ] - Finding the Best Coefficients in the Objective Function of a Linear Quadratic Control Problem
Finding the best weights of the state variables and the control variables in the objective function of a linear-quadratic control problem is considered. The weights of these variables are considered as two diagonal matrices with appropriate size and so the objective function of the control problem becomes a function of the diagonal elements of these matrices. The optimization problem which is d...