Narges Khanlarzade
Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Critical Path Method for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Preemption
This paper addressed a Flexible Job shop Scheduling Problem (FJSP) with the objective of minimization of maximum completion time (Cmax) which job splitting or lot streaming is allowed. Lot streaming is an important technique that has been used widely to reduce completion time of a production system. Due to the complexity of the problem; exact optimization techniques such as branch and bound alg...
[ 2 ] - A Non-linear Integer Bi-level Programming Model for Competitive Facility Location of Distribution Centers
The facility location problem is a strategic decision-making for a supply chain, which determines the profitability and sustainability of its components. This paper deals with a scenario where two supply chains, consisting of a producer, a number of distribution centers and several retailers provided with similar products, compete to maintain their market shares by opening new distribution cent...
[ 3 ] - Market power influential approach using game theory in a two competing supply chains with multi-echelons under centralized/decentralized environments
This paper is considering the competition between two multi-echelon supply-chains on price and service under balance and imbalance of market power between the chains which are analyzing through Nash and Stackelberg game approach. The problem is categorized as the centralized or decentralized structure of each chain, which means a few different possible scenarios are developing based on the Nash...