Aida Faeghinia

Ceramic Division, Materials and Energy Research Center

[ 1 ] - An investigation on Mechanical Properties of Apatite-Wollastonite-Diopside Glass-Ceramics Composites

Apatite-wollastonite (A-W)-phlogopite glass-ceramic is considered to be difficult to resorb, but often, it has been incorporated in particulate form to create new bioactive composites for potential maxillofacial applications. With various compositions, the present work has attempted to prepare apatite-wollastonite (A-W)-phlogopite glass ceramic composites, by applying sintering. Here, three-poi...

[ 2 ] - The Effect of Rotation Speed on the Microstructure and Hardness of Synthesized Al-WC Nano-Composite by Centrifugal Casting

The aim of this work was WC distribution in base Al-Si-Mg (A356) alloy as reinforcing agent. WC Solid particles in the sub-23-nm size range added to melted alloy by centrifuge casting. The cylinder tube without gap was obtained. FESEM and OPM results show that the distribution depends upon the rotational speeds of the mould and centrifugal casting conditions. According to the MAP results, durin...

[ 3 ] - Phlogopite glass-ceramic coatings on stainless steel substrate by plasma spray

Macor coatings on 316 alloys substrates were prepared by plasma spraying. The crystallization temperature, thermal expansion coefficient of mica glass-ceramic were at 900ºC and 40× 10−7/◦C respectively. The microhardness of obtained glass-ceramic coating was 6.8GPa and the coefficient friction was 0.98 . 

[ 4 ] - Luminescence Properties of TeO2-LiF-Gd2O3 Glasses

In this work, the structural properties and spectroscopic behavior 80 mol.%TeO2-20mol.%LiF glasses which were doped with 0. 05, 0. 2 mole% Gd2O3 have been studied. It was shown that,  by increasing the amount of Gd2O3 the glass stability was decreased. The PL emissions at 431nm and 627nm wavelengths were distinguished by 320nm excitation. The FT-IR analysis showed deformed TeO4 groups in these ...

[ 5 ] - Investigation of Glass- Steel Slag Foam Composite Sintering in Presence of SiC

Amorphous steel slag was blended with different concentrations of waste glass (20, 40, 50, 60, 70 wt.%) and SiC to obtain a composite. According to Hot Stage Microscopy images, slag-glass composite contractions started at 1050 ºC. scanning electron microscope micrographs of slag-SiC (foaming agent) composite revealed tunnel-like porosities of 500 to 1000 microns. Gaseous products of carbide dec...