Halajian, Ali

Caspian Sea International Sturgeon Research –Aquaculture Department, Rasht P.O.BOX:41635-3464

[ 1 ] - The effect of Replacement fish meal by poultry by product on growth rate, body composition and some immune system parameters of Huso huso in growth up

In this study, effect of  replacement of fish meal by  Poultry by product meal  on  growth index,  biochemical and immune parameters of  Huso huso with average weight 108.83±5. 9gr ± SD that reared in fiberglass tank (2000 lit) for  8weeks were investigated. Six test diets (contain 42% protein and 18.5 Mj kg-1 energy) were prepared. Fish meal substituted by poultry by product  at 20% (PBM20), 4...