Naderian, Mohammadamin
Allameh Tabataba’I University
[ 1 ] - Speculative Oil Demand and Crude Oil Price Dynamics: A TVP-VAR Approach
Significant decline in the slope of short-term oil supply and demand curves, along with the meaningful change in the degree of risk aversion in arbitrageurs encouraged us to test the time-varying effects of speculative demand on crude oil price dynamics over the period 1985-2016. Using a time-varying parameter vector autoregressive (TVP-VAR) model – with structural shocks identified by Killian ...
[ 2 ] - Time-Varying Transmission Mechanism of Oil Shocks in the Global Crude oil Market: A TVP-VAR Approach
In this paper, we have utilized a time-varying parameter vector autoregressive model in order to examine the structural changes in the transmission mechanisms of oil price shocks in the global crude oil market over the period of 1985-2016. In this setting, the contemporaneous response of real oil price and crude oil production to flow oil supply shock, flow oil demand shock, and speculative dem...