E.R. Aweng

Faculty of Earth Science, University, University Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, 17600 Jeli, Malaysia

[ 1 ] - Contamination profile of heavy metals in marine fish and shellfish

Rapid industrialization along with advanced agricultural activities led to the contamination in aquatic environment with heavy metals. Heavy metals ultimately pass into human body through having aquatic animals like fish, prawn and crab. In this study, accumulation of heavy metals (zinc, copper, iron, cadmium and lead) in various organs of four commonly consumed fish (Euthynnus affinis...

[ 2 ] - Water Quality Assessment of Perak River, Malaysia

The present investigation has been conducted to assess the status of physico-chemical parameters as well as the concentrations of some selected heavy metals to understand the present scenario of water quality at Perak River basin, Malaysia. The temperature, turbidity, pH, EC and DO values of all the examined samples have been within the range of 25.0 to 30.5 0C, 39.5 to 168.00 NTU, 6.8 to 7.33,...

[ 3 ] - Water Quality Assessment of Perak River, Malaysia

The present investigation has been conducted to assess the status of physico-chemical parameters as well as the concentrations of some selected heavy metals to understand the present scenario of water quality at Perak River basin, Malaysia. The temperature, turbidity, pH, EC and DO values of all the examined samples have been within the range of 25.0 to 30.5 0C, 39.5 to 168.00 NTU, 6.8 to 7.33,...
