Babak Pezeshki
Zanjan Metabolic Diseases Research Center, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
[ 1 ] - Early screening of gestational diabetes mellitus using maternal hemoglobin A1C: Revision of current screening guidelines
Background: HbA1C has been a known predictor and diagnostic test for diabetes type 2. However, this test has not yet been widely studied in GDM and more importantly no cutoff point has been defined for HbA1C in GDM. We investigated the efficacy of screening during first and second trimester of pregnancy and defined appropriate cutoff points according to HbA1C and FBS for predicting maternal GDM...
[ 2 ] - Comparison of the Effect of Aloe Vera Extract, Breast Milk, Calendit-E, Curcumin, Lanolin, Olive Oil, and Purslane on Healing of Breast Fissure in Lactating Mothers: A Systematic Reviwe
Background: Sore nipples are a common problem in breast-feeding women which can cause early cessation of breast-feeding. We aimed to evaluate the effect of Aloe Vera extract, breast milk, Calendit-E, Curcumin, Lanolin, Olive oil, and Purslane on healing of breast fissure in lactating mothers. <span style="font-f...