کاظمی, حمید

مرکز تحقیقات سیاست علمی کشور

[ 1 ] - نگاشت شبکه‌ی تداعی‌های برند نزد مراجعه‌کنندگان با استفاده از نقشه‌ی مفهومی برند (BCM) مورد مطالعه: پژوهشگاه علوم و فناوری اطلاعات ایران (ایرانداک)

On of the key components of brand equity is associations that the consumers have about the brand and these associations will guide them to choose the brand. These associations usually are considered as an organized network involves models of gathering the networks in minds and determine the brand value for consumers as a brand image. The aim of doing this research is eliciting and mapping the n...

[ 2 ] - بومی‌‌سازی و رتبه‌بندی مؤلفه‌های مدل کسب‌وکار اجتماعی برای پژوهشگاه‌های دولتی ایران

One of the main challenges in revenue making of the knowledge raised from academic researches is decision making about an appropriate business model for transferring it from academic world to real world. This research has been accomplished for designing public research institutes social business model. Due to the lack of local business models in this field, novelty and multi-dimensionality of t...