شبانی, سکینه

علوم قرآن و حدیث دانشگاه پیام نور مرکز تهران جنوب

[ 1 ] - واکاوی خاستگاه جهاد ابتدایی (روش شناسی تفسیری و روایی) و نقش آن در پدیده اسلام هراسی با مطالعه موردی: داعش.

Quran is a profound and profane Book that everyone benefits from it according to his scientific capacity. Some verses invite Muslims to jihad and other verses persuaded for peace. For some, here is the community of stripping and requiring and two forms of peace and war are shaped. The main purpose of the article is to study the origins and evidences of two perspectives of peace and war. The mai...