ترکاشوند, جلال

روابط بین الملل و عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه افسری امام علی (ع)

[ 1 ] - آمریکا، جنگ‌های نیابتی و امنیت خاورمیانه

Developments after September of 2011 confirm the pessimistic view towards the Middle East because opposed to the expectations of the optimists, ending the Cold War and the collapse of bipolar system did not mean regional peace. One of the reasons for this instability and regional conflict is direct and indirect intervention of the United States and its presence in theregion. One of the areas th...

[ 2 ] - سیاست های راهبردی دولت اوباما بعد از تحولات درون سیستمی منطقه خاورمیانه با محوریت انقلاب های مردمی 2011

The occurrence of Islamic awakening in 2011, the most important part of the Muslim world and the continuing protests in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and likely to spread to other Arab countries in the past caused the disorder, and the powers of regional, inter-regional and trans is regional. How America in creating new security arrangements in the Middle East in the light of revolutionary deve...