ترابی, رضا

دانشگاه تفرش

[ 1 ] - ذره در چاه کوانتومی با دیواره متحرک

We study the problem of a quantum particle in an infinite one dimensional potential well with a moving wall. Based on the effective Hamiltonian approach and using the gauge transformation concepts, we show that the effect of the moving wall appears as an extra phase factor in the wave function which depends on the velocity of the wall. 

[ 2 ] - وابستگی نرخ خشک‌شدگی به مقدار رطوبت در محیط‌های متخلخل

In this study, drying process is modeled in porous media using random walk theory. In this line, first the effect of microscopic quantities derived from random walk theory has been studied on drying rate. Then, the relationship between drying rate and moisture content is obtained taking convection into account. The results obtained in this study indicates the effect of convection on the process...