Hamid Rashidnejad

Faculty of Chemistry, Urmia University, 57159,Urmia, Iran

[ 1 ] - Synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic properties of new azo dyes derived from aniline derivatives based on acetylacetone and azo-metal (II) complexes and singular value decomposition (SVD) investigation

Four new azo-dyes, 3-phenyl azopentane-2,4-dion (LA), 3-(4-nitro phenyl azo)-pentane-2,4-dion (LP), 3-(2-nitro phenyl azo)-pentane-2,4-dion (LO) and 4-(1-acetyle-2-oxo-propyl azo)-benzene sulfonate sodium (LS), were synthesized from, aniline, 4-nitroaniline, 2-nitroaniline and sulfanilic acid with acetylacetone, respectively. Reaction of these new dyes with acetate salts of copper(II), nickel(I...