S. Zolfaghari-Moghaddam

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran

[ 1 ] - A Multi-objective Transmission Expansion Planning Strategy: A Bilevel Programming Method

This paper describes a methodology for transmission expansion planning (TEP) within a deregulated electricity market. Two objective functions including investment cost (IC) and congestion cost (CC) are considered. The proposed model forms a bi-level optimization problem in which upper level problem represents an independent system operator (ISO) making its decisions on investment while in the l...

[ 2 ] - A Multi-Year Scenario-Based Transmission Expansion Planning Model Incorporating Available Transfer Capability

This paper presents a multi-year scenario-based methodology for transmission expansion planning (TEP) in order to enhance the available transfer capability (ATC). The ATC is an important factor for all players of electricity market who participate in power transaction activities and can support the competition and nondiscriminatory access to transmission lines among all market participants. The...

[ 3 ] - A MILP Model for Coordinated Charging of Electric Vehicles in Smart Unbalanced LV Distribution Networks Using Floating Charge Method

In this paper, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is proposed to solve the charging problem of electric vehicles (EVs) using floating charge method meaning that the EV, could be supplied by each of the three phases connected to a special bus. In other words, unlike a usual household load which is only supplied by a particular phase, in the floating charge method it is assumed that ...
