نوروزی, میلاد

[ 1 ] - تحلیل ناکارآمدی برنامه‌های پیشگیری: پژوهش کیفی

Objective: Drug trafficking is one of the most significant social damage that can easily undermine the cultural and social base of a country and its human dynamism. The confluence of the psychological, social, economic, political and cultural factors has made this one of the most complex social damages of recent decades in the country. Accordingly, the adoption of programs with the prevention a...

[ 2 ] - A Narrative Analysis on How Women Become Drug Addicts

Expended Abstract Introduction: Since the increase in the number of female drug addicts is one of the major social issues across the world, Iran has been no exception to this global trend. The present study aims at identifying the nature of the problem, defining and analyzing it, as well as describing women’s experience of addiction. Method: The present research is qualitative in type. Partic...

[ 3 ] - A Narrative Analysis on How Women Become Drug Addicts

Expended Abstract Introduction: Since the increase in the number of female drug addicts is one of the major social issues across the world, Iran has been no exception to this global trend. The present study aims at identifying the nature of the problem, defining and analyzing it, as well as describing women’s experience of addiction. Method: The present research is qualitative in type. Partic...

[ 4 ] - Qualitative Study of Addiction in Beauty Salons and Sports Gyms

Aim: The Spread of a New Trend in Drugs Advertisement in the Recent Years Has Caused a Hike in Addiction among Women in High-Risk Cases Such as Hallucinogenic and Stimulating Drugs. Distribution and Advertisement for Synthetic Drugs in Beauty Salons and Gyms Have Been Implicated in This Hike. With the Aim of Investigating This Claim, the Present Research Has Engaged in the Qualitative Study of ...