آنتونی ف. شاکر
متخصص در مؤسسه مطالعات اسلامی مک گیل کانادا former Visiting Scholar at the Islamic Studies, McGill University, Canada
[ 1 ] - The Paradigmatic Significance of Perception in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy of Being
Ṣadrā presents the usefulness of the faculties of perception governed by the intellect as a fitting paradigm for understanding man’s being in the world in relation to the divine purpose and source of this being. Perception raises challenging questions which, while peripheral to philosophy proper, have contributed to the debate on knowing and being. Dating back to the Presocratics, this debate c...
[ 2 ] - Philosophy and The Human Inheritance in a Post-Western World
The dissolution of the Western-dominated Postwar Order, and the Eurocentric myths that sustain it, presents a unique opportunity to ponder an old question posed by every new generation: How can philosophy, which Islamic and ancient Greek learning traditions have long defined as the pursuit of “wisdom,” resume its millennial civilizing role? This paper looks beyond passing political events to re...