آزاده توکلی

استادیار گروه علوم محیط‏ زیست، دانشکدة علوم، دانشگاه زنجان

[ 1 ] - تحلیل اکتشافی رابطۀ فضایی سرعت باد سطحی (SWS) و دمای سطح دریا (SST) در دریای عمان

سرعت باد سطحی (SWS) و دمای سطح دریا (SST) پارامترهایی مهم در مطالعات برهمکنش‏های جو- اقیانوس به‏شمار می‏روند. در این پژوهش، با استفاده از تحلیل خودهمبستگی فضایی موران جهانی دومتغیره و تحلیل خودهمبستگی موران محلی، ارتباط بین داده‏های SWS و SST بین سال‏های 2003 تا 2015 در دریای عمان بررسی شد. نتایج حاصل از موران جهانی دومتغیره نشان داد که در ماه‏های سرد رابطة دو پارامتر مثبت و مستقیم بوده و قوی‏ت...

[ 2 ] - مطالعه غلظت رادن‌ در محیط‌های مسکونی شهرستان طارم-زنجان

Background and Objective: Radon is highly regarded because of its impacts on public health. Northern regions of Iran have a high potential for radon emissions. This research aimed to measure residential radon concentrations in Tarom country- Zanjan and to compare the results with international standards and acceptable values. Materials and Methods: Passive diffusive samplers, Solid State Nuc...

[ 3 ] - Decomposition and Analysis of Driving Forces of GHG Emissions and Emission Reduction Potentials in Iran

Climate change cannot control unless by reduction of GHG emissions to secure level, therefore it is important to identify driving forces and possible scenarios based on targets. In this research, the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index decomposition approach in combination with Extended Kaya Identity (EKI) are applied to investigate five factors could affect emissions during 1971-2012 in Iran. Thes...

[ 4 ] - Investigation of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and its spatial changes in Gulf of Oman for the period of 2003 to 2015

Considering the great application of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in climatic and oceanic investigations, this research deals with the investigation of spatial autocorrelation pattern of SST data obtained from AVHRR sensor for Gulf of Oman from 2003 to 2015 (13 years). To achieve this aim, two important spatial statistics, i.e. global Moran and Anselin local Moran’s I were employed within mont...

[ 5 ] - Effect of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on biological air pollutants: a case study of Valiasr hospital in Zanjan (2019-2020)

Background and Objective: Bioaerosols as small particles enter the body by inhalation and lead to respiratory diseases based on type, concentration, and exposure time. In sensitive workplaces such as medical centers, it is necessary to pay attention to the type and population of these pollutants and the possibility of nosocomial infections. In the present study, the population and type of bioae...

[ 6 ] - Evaluation of air pollutant concentrations and environmental parameters under normal condition and during novel Coronavirus pandemic, a case study in a hospital (2019-2020)

Background and Objective: Indoor air pollution in hospitals could be a serious health threat to the patients, medical staff, and visitors. In previous studies, the importance of paying attention to air quality during the Coronavirus pandemic has been proven. In this study, the effect of visiters' presence under normal conditions and the imposition of hospital restrictions at the time of pandemi...

[ 7 ] - Assessment of noise levels and identification of distribution pattern in elementary schools: a case study in Zanjan city

Background and Objective: Conversion of houses into residential towers in worn-out urban textures increases population. Schools of the vicinity would face with multiplicity and limited space for students, leading to noise pollution. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the noise levels during morning and afternoon shifts among two primary schools in Zanjan. Materials and Methods: Measurem...