R. Jalili
Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Enforcing RBAC Policies over Data Stored on Untrusted Server (Extended Version)
One of the security issues in data outsourcing is the enforcement of the data owner’s access control policies. This includes some challenges. The first challenge is preserving confidentiality of data and policies. One of the existing solutions is encrypting data before outsourcing which brings new challenges; namely, the number of keys required to access authorized resources, efficient policy u...
[ 2 ] - A collusion mitigation scheme for reputation systems
Reputation management systems are in wide-spread use to regulate collaborations in cooperative systems. Collusion is one of the most destructive malicious behaviors in which colluders seek to affect a reputation management system in an unfair manner. Many reputation systems are vulnerable to collusion, and some model-specific mitigation methods are proposed to combat collusion. Detection of col...
[ 3 ] - Separating indexes from data: a distributed scheme for secure database outsourcing
Database outsourcing is an idea to eliminate the burden of database management from organizations. Since data is a critical asset of organizations, preserving its privacy from outside adversary and untrusted server should be warranted. In this paper, we present a distributed scheme based on storing shares of data on different servers and separating indexes from data on a distinct server. Shamir...
[ 4 ] - SESOS: A Verifiable Searchable Outsourcing Scheme for Ordered Structured Data in Cloud Computing
While cloud computing is growing at a remarkable speed, privacy issues are far from being solved. One way to diminish privacy concerns is to store data on the cloud in encrypted form. However, encryption often hinders useful computation cloud services. A theoretical approach is to employ the so-called fully homomorphic encryption, yet the overhead is so high that it is not considered a viable s...