Nastaran Ebadi

Department of Traditional Pharmacy, School of Traditional Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Determination of Scientific Name of Bitter “Qust”: an Important Controversial Plant Source in the Iranian Medicinal Plants Market for Neurological Complications

Background and objectives: Traditional medicine could provide a hopeful area of research to mitigate the suffering of patients. “Qust” is one of the medicinal plants that are mentioned in Persian Medicine (PM) for treatment of neurological diseases. There is diversity within the scientific name of “Qust” in different references. Some have introduced Saussur...

[ 2 ] - Persian Medicine Herbal Therapies for Osteoarthritis: a Review of Clinical Trials

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is one of the important medical complications in elderly peoples. Various pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are described for treatment of knee OA, but considerable side effects especially in old populations are the limiting factors. Traditional, complementary and integrative medicines have a long history in treatment of chronic diseases such as O...

[ 3 ] - Efficacy of Saussurea costus (Qost) Oil as an Iranian Traditional Medicine Product on Female Urinary Incontinence; Double Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial

Background and objectives: Urinary incontinence is a public complaint that causes discomfort, embarrassment and costs. Also, there are some limitations and insufficiencies of drug therapy and surgical complications. This study has compared the effect ofSaussurea costus (qost) oil as an Iranian traditional medicine product and other contemporary medicine treatment metho...