Jalil Abshenas

Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Ultrasonographic Examination of Mammary Glands in Caspian Mares during the Lactation and Dry Period

Objective- The aim of this study was to determine the normal ultrasonographic and morphologic appearance of mammary gland and teat in Caspian mares during lactation and dry period. Design- Experimental study. Animals- Seven mature Caspian mares Procedures- Using a 6.5-8.5 MHz linear transducer the ultrasonographic appearance of lactating and dry mammary glands was determined in 7 mature Casp...

[ 2 ] - Chemical Sterilization by Intratesticular Injection of Eugenia Caryophyllata Essential Oil in Dog: A Histopathological Study

Objective- To study a method of chemical sterilization and its efficacy in adult male dogs. Design- Experimental study. Animals- Ten healthy adult mixed breed dogs Procedures- Eugenia caryophyllata (EC) essential oil was injected into the dorsal cranial portion of each testicle of five dogs (treatment group). The same volume of normal saline was injected in the same site of testicles in the ...

[ 3 ] - Use of Conjunctival Grafts and Temporary Tube Implants for Treatment of Teat Sinus Mucosal Injuries

Objectives- Using conjunctival graft to replace experimental mucosal defects of teatsinus.Study- Experimental study.Animals- Five healthy, mature, lactating, Jersey cows.Methods- Conjunct ival mucosal gra fts with teat cannula were evaluated in the repair of experimentalteat sinusmucosal lesions. A 1.5xl em wide circumferential strip of mucosa was resected from each teat in five Jersey cows. Ea...