Eric Gontier

Unité de Recherche EA3900 BIOPI-UPJV Biologie des plantes et Innovation, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, UFR des Sciences, Ilot des poulies, 33 rue Saint Leu, 80039 Amiens Cedex 1 - France.

[ 1 ] - The Desirability Optimization Methodology; a Tool to Predict Two Antagonist Responses in Biotechnological Systems: Case of Biomass Growth and Hyoscyamine Content in Elicited Datura starmonium Hairy Roots

Background: The use of the desirability function approach combined with the response surface methodology (RSM), also called Desirability Optimization Methodology (DOM), has been successfully applied to solve medical, chemical, and technological questions. It is particularly effi cient for the determination of the optimal conditions in natural or industrial processes involving d...