Masoud Minaei

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

[ 1 ] - Evaluation and Relocating Bicycle Sharing Stations in Mashhad City using Multi-Criteria Analysis

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the present status of Mashhad’s Bicycle Sharing (BS) Program's stations, and to locate future stations, taking into account the 7 criteria of “proximity to subway stations”, “proximity to other stations”, “distance from important intersections”, “distance from population centers”, “proximity to educational, recreational and commercialcenters”, “slope lev...

[ 2 ] - Study of Ecological Factors Associated with Leishmaniosis in Fariman Township during 2006-2018

Introduction: Ecological factors such as climate change as well as environmental, social, economic, and political factors are effective in increasing the incidence of Leishmaniasis disease in the Middle East. This study aimed to evaluate the ecological causes of leishmaniasis in Fariman town during 2006-2017. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, all patients who were residents of Far...