Seyed Farid Ghannadpour

Assistant Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Evolutionary Approach for Energy Minimizing Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Customers’ Priority

A new model and solution for the energy minimizing vehicle routing problem with time windows (EVRPTW) and customers’ priority is presented in this paper. In this paper unlike prior attempts to minimize cost by minimizing overall traveling distance, the model also incorporates energy minimizing which meets the latest requirements of green logistics. This paper includes the vehicles load as an ad...

[ 2 ] - The Special Application of Vehicle Routing Problem with Uncertainty Travel Times: Locomotive Routing Problem

This paper aims to study the locomotive routing problem (LRP) which is one of the most important problems in railroad scheduling in view of involving expensive assets and high cost of operating locomotives. This problem is assigning a fleet of locomotives to a network of trains to provide sufficient power to pull them from their origins to destinations by satisfying a rich set of operational con...

[ 3 ] - مسئله مسیریابی وسایل نقلیه مبتنی بر نظریه بازی با هدف کاهش ریسک حمل کالای ارزشمند

در این مقاله رویکردی موثر برای کاهش ریسک مسیریابی وسایل نقلیه همراه با پنجره زمانی جهت حمل کالاهای ارزشمند ارائه می­شود. مدل در نظر گرفته شده برای حمل این نوع کالا دارای دو تابع هدف کمینه سازی مسافت و ریسک است. تابع هدف کاهش ریسک وابسته به مقدار کالای حمل شده، احتمال حمله مسلحانه تروریستی و احتمال موفقیت سرقت است. احتمال حمله تروریستی با استفاده از نظریه بازی­...