R. Vaziri

Department of Chemistry, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O. BOX. 15875-4416, Tehran, IRAN.

[ 1 ] - Structure and electronic properties of single–walled zigzag BN and B3C2N3 nanotubes using first-principles methods

The structure and the electronic properties of single-walled zigzag BN and B3C2N3 nanotubes (n, 0; n=4–10) were investigated using first-principles calculations based on a density functional theory. A plane–wave basis set with periodic boundary conditions in conjunction with Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudo-potential was employed. The energy gap of ZB3C<su...

[ 2 ] - Structure and electronic properties of single–walled zigzag BN and B3C2N3 nanotubes using first-principles methods

The structure and the electronic properties of single-walled zigzag BN and B3C2N3 nanotubes (n, 0; n=4–10) were investigated using first-principles calculations based on a density functional theory. A plane–wave basis set with periodic boundary conditions in conjunction with Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudo-potential was employed. The energy gap of ZB3C<su...
